
Original Building

Original Building


In 1953 the first Special Vocational training school was started at the then Westcliff Primary School in Gardens, Cape Town. On 1 July 1956 Westcliff became a fully-fledged Special school where learners were to receive special education in pre-vocational technical subjects. Westcliff is regarded as the forerunner of the then 6 Special Schools. As the premises in Cape Town became too small to meet the demand a more central site was purchased in Bellville. In 1961 an effective, functional and attractive school was officially opened.

This first special school has now been functional for a total of 58 years – of which 53 years at the new site in Bellville.

Numerous applications for admission are received annually and the constant flow of applications for admission to this school has not decreased over the years. Past and present learners as well as past and present teachers have already attained outstanding achievements in various fields at provincial, national and even international level.

Westcliff Special School is now known as Westcliff School of Skills and is one of 17 such schools in the Western Cape. A new curriculum adapted from CAPS and meaningful in the world of work was implemented in 2013.

A Sketch of Westcliff's Old Building

A Sketch of Westcliff's Old Building


In 1953 was die eerste Spesiale Voorberoepsopleiding skool by destydse Primêre Skool Westcliff in die Tuine, Kaapstad begin. Op 1 Julie 1956 het Westcliff Skool die eerste volwaardige Spesiale Sekondêre skool in Kaapstad geword waar leerders spesiale voorberoepsopleiding in tegniese vakke ontvang het. Westcliff is gesien as die voorloper van destydse 6 Spesiale Skole. Toe die skoolgebou in Kaapstad te klein geword het, is ‘n meer sentrale perseel in Bellville aangekoop. ‘n Pragtige doeltreffende gebouekompleks is in 1961 in gebruik geneem.

Hierdie eerste Spesiale Skool is nou al 58 jaar aan die gang en 53 jaar in die nuwe gebou in Bellville.

Steeds handhaaf die skool ‘n konstante inname van leerlinge. Westcliff Skool leerlinge, oud leerlinge, onderwysers en oud-onderwysers het al op verskeie lewensterreine op nasionale, provinsiale en selfs internasionale vlak noemenswaardige prestasies gelewer.

Westcliff Skool is nou bekend as Westcliff Vaardigheidskool en is een van 17 soortgelyke skole in die Wes-Kaap. ‘n Nuwe kurrikulum aangepas van KABV en betekenisvol vir die wêreld van werk is in 2013 geimplementeer.