Westcliff Sportdag 2023
Read MoreIt’s time for Mr & Miss Westcliff again!
Westcliff wins interschools held at Jan Kriel School on 8 February 2023.
This was our first interschools held after the covid 19 restrictions were lifted. Westcliff, Axios, De Grendel, Atlantis and Batavia all competed for the title. At the end of the day all schools did their best despite the hot weather conditions but it was Westcliff who won all the age groups and were the overall…
Read MoreSokker 2022
Die sokkerspanne het hard geoefen en het goeie gees op die veld getoon. Die o/19 A en B span het wedstryde teen Jan Kriel, De Grendel, Atlantis, Tafelberg en Axios gespeel waarvan ons drie gewen, twee verloor en een gelyk op gespeel het. Die o/16 A en B span het teen Jan Kriel, Atlantis en…
Read MoreCricket 2022
Ons het twee wedstryde gespeel die seisoen. Die eerste wedstryd het ons gewen teen Vista Nova en die tweede een verloor teen De Grendel. Die leerders oefen hard en toon goeie gees. Renaldo Tromp was player of the match against Vista Nova with a well-deserved 59 runs. He also contributed with the ball with excellent…
Read MoreTug of War 2022
This was a season of development. Our team went through a tough period to find their feet after such a long break in sport but they never lacked in spirit and did their very best. We are building slowly but surely. Welgedaan. Ons is trots op julle! -Mr. F. Olivier-
Read MoreLandloop 2022
Die landloop span het by J.G. Meiring, Monument Park, Bernadino Heights en Fairmont High School deelgeneem. Ons 0/17 meisies lê tans in die derde plek. Ons leerders vaar baie goed en ons sien baie uit na volgende kwartaal se kompetisies. Term 3 update: Cross country kicked off with a bang this term. Our first league…
Read MoreRugby 2022
Westcliff rugby is alive and well. There are four teams that took part in matches. U15A, U16A, U18B and the U18A. The U18A and B team played a match against Florida school and won that match 64-0. Westcliff U18A also played a match against West Coast school and won 16-10. We are also very proud…
Read MoreWP Rugby Cravenweek
Die WP LSEN span was op ‘n oefenkamp van 24 tot 26 Junie. Die leerders het 26 Junie vertrek na George waar die WP LSEN Cravenweek toernooi plaasgevind het. WP het Maandag (27 Junie) hul eerste wedstryd teen die Bulle gespeel en 17-5 gewen. Dinsdag (28 Junie) wen WP die SWD 31-17. Wednesday (29 June)…
Read MoreValues 2022
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