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Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Westcliff Vaardigheidskool is ‘n skool vir leerders wat dit moeilik vind om in die hoofstroomskole te vorder en dan verwys word na ‘n Vaardigheidskool. By die skool word leerders ‘n handvaardigheid aangeleer waarmee hulle die arbeidsmark kan betree. Elke leerder ontvang akademiese sowel as Tegniese opleiding. Leerders ontvang tegniese opleiding in verskeie vakrigtings, afhangende van hulle vermoë en aanleg. Hierdie tegniese vaardigheid help dan die leerder om na skool, of hul ambagte te voltooi of in die bepaalde rigting te gaan werk.

Die klem word gedeel tussen die akademiese, Tegniese en sport/Kulturele ontwikkeling. By Westcliff Vaardigheidskool glo die personeel dat leerders nie net op Akademiese/ Tegniese gebied opgelei moet word nie maar ook op die sportveld. Ons hanteer ‘n baie weie verskeindenheid sport- en kultuuraktiwiteite om vir elke moontlikke belangstelling voorsiening te maak.

Westcliff School of Skills is a school for learners who cannot progress in the mainstream and are then referred to a school of skills. At the school, the learners are taught a skill which will enable them to enter the labour market. Every learner receives academic as well as technical training. Technical training is given in different subject areas depending on the learner’s ability and interest. This skill helps the learner to either continue with his/her technical training or enter the world of work, after school.

The emphasis at the school is shared amongst Academic, Technical and Sport/cultural development. The educators believe that learners should not only be educated in the academic and technical component but also on the sports field. We offer a wide variety of sport and cultural activities to make allowance for as many interests as possible.


Sukses deur opleiding.


Success through training.


By Westcliff Skool streef ons daarna om elke leerder die geleentheid te bied om sy/haar potensiaal te ontdek en ten volle te ontwikkel deur die aanleer van vaardighede, sodat hy/sy tot volwassenheid kan groei, ‘n menswaardige bestaan kan voer en ‘n ekonomiese bydrae kan lewer tot die samelewing.

  • Positief ingestelde personeel en leerders;
  • Beroepsvoorbereidende kurrikulum;
  • Vennootskap met die ouers;
  • Doeltreffende strukture;
  • Netjiese, doeltreffende en veilige skoolgeboue, gronde en toerusting.


At Westcliff School, we strive to give every learner the opportunity to discover his/her potential and develop fully by acquiring skills, in order to reach adulthood, become a worthy human being and contribute to the economy of the community.

  • Positive staff and learner;
  • Career oriented curriculum;
  • Partnership with the parents;
  • Purposeful structure;
  • Neat, purposeful and safe school buildings, grounds and equipment.